Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Scene From King 2 Hearts

"Recently, we have been quarreling. We have been quarreling from the first time we met."
"He said that Im not like a woman." "He said that I shouldnt have any expectation of him."
"I was really angry when I heard those things." "So I treated him more harshly."
"But now I think about it, I've probably liking him since that time."
"It seems like, I have like a bad man right?" "It's like hat even now.
"His majesty and I..we don't look like we love each other.
We are always quarreling and being sarcastic to each other."
"But even though it's like this, I feel even more happier."
"We seem to understand each other a bit more now."
"We know what the other person say next. And have a bit of expectation at the same time, what unreasonable quarrel with the other person do next time?"
"I looked forward to it and my heart would bit faster too. Of course, sometimes I'll also feel wronged." "Sometimes I feel that I love him more than he loves me and that makes me a bit angry."
"But what can I do?"
"As long as that person is by my side. I already feel very happy."
"I'm just a woman who deeply.. loves a man."

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Rencana Pembuatan Poliklinik IPB Sindang Barang

That XX - G Dragon

English Translation:

Walking on the street, I bumped into your man (Yeah I saw him)
I didn’t want to believe it, but my hunch turned out right (I told you)
He’s not wearing that ring you gave him, there’s another girl by his side
But I’ve said enough (I don’t wanna hurt you)
Now you’re getting angry with me (Why?)
You say “He’s definitely not that kind of person” (Sure you’re right)
Seeing your eyes, I reply that I probably got it wrong
See, I lied for you (I’m sorry)
I hate that you don’t understand me
I hate all this waiting
Let go of his hand (break it off with him)
When you’re sad, I feel like I’m dying
That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?
When you speak of him, you look so happy (you look happy)
It’s good that you can be this happy (I’m happy)
You say you really love him, want to be with him forever
You trust him completely (I don’t know what to say no more)
Your friends all know that guy (yup they know)
It’s so obvious, why can’t you see (it’s you)
They say love is blind, Oh baby, you’re so blind
Please, I beg you, break it off
Oh I hate that you don’t understand me
I hate all this waiting
Let go of his hand (break it off with him)
When you’re sad, I feel like I’m dying
That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?
Expensive cars, beautiful clothes, high-class restaurants, they all suit you well
But that XX beside you, he doesn’t suit you, he really doesn’t
He smiles like a hypocrite with you, brushing your face and hair
But he’s thinking of another woman for sure, how dare he
The amount of tears you’ve cried, I want to make you happy by the same amount, baby
Rather than going through the pain alone, share some with me, baby
Please look at me, why can’t you realise that I am your love
Why are you the only one who doesn’t know
That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?
That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?

Rencana awal re-design gerbang IPB Darmaga


Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012



 i wanna make a theater maybe..

 but the result is a random building .__.

i made this over a year ago

human view 

 bird eye view

another bird eye view :))

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

William Fitzsimmons - You Still Hurt Me

I'm not comfortable with how we never talk
And I miss you since you went out for that walk
Its been 13 months since May
It still feels like yesterday

I was scared to fix what I had broke
Its a lonely place to live with just a ghost
There is love left in my life, I will see
But you still hurt me

I can still see all your clothes thrown on the floor
There are friends who never call me anymore
I remember throwing out all of your things
But I think I kept my ring

I'm not comfortable with how the story ends
We were lovers and now we're not even friends
You were perfect and I guess I'm just a creep
But you still hurt me

Hell-o Thai :)

Grand Palace

Grand Palace

Wat Arun

Wat Arun
Ancient City

Nong Noch Village

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

too much secret that I have never knew, too much story that you've never told me..

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

repost puisi Zarry Hendrik

Semoga Tidak Kamu Lagi

ada rasa sedih saat melihatmu bahagia
bukan krena aku tdk ingin kamu bahagia
melainkan karena bukan aku yg membahagiakanmu..

itu menyakitkan
seperti pukulan yang sebenarnya ingin buatku tersadar
mungkin ini waktu untuk aku terpuruk
 supaya aku dapat melihat Tuhan memakaikan kenangan ini untuk buatku dipenuhi kesiapan
sehingga doa dapat melahirkan semangat dan kemudian membuatku bangkit

namun ketahuilah
sebelum aku sudah tak lagi mencintaimu
ini darahku mengalir membawa bayang-bayang mu
mengelilingi tubuhku
dan jantungku berdenting demi kau menari-nari di pikiranku

ada satu hal yang sampai saat ini masih membuatku bangga menjadi aku
yaitu, karena aku mampu terima kamu apa adanya

aku meminta ampun kepada Tuhan
sebab aku berharap bahwa suatu saat
ketika angin menghempasku hilang dari daya ingatmu
aku ingin tak pernah lagi menginjak bumi
sebab hidup jadi terasa bagaikan dinding yang dingin
aku harus menjadi paku
kamu yang bagai lukisan dan cinta
memukul aku
memukul aku
dan memukul aku
sampai aku benar benar menancap kuat

pada akhirnya, semoga
tidak kamu lagi yang aku lihat sebagai satu-satunya cahaya yang aku lihat sebelum pulas
semoga tidak kamu lagi...

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Gotye ft. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know

Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

(I used to know)
(Now you're just somebody that I used to know)

(I used to know)
(That I used to know)
(I used to know)

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Teknologi Bahan (Canton Tower)

Pernah denger Canton Tower? Enggak? yaudah..

Eh tapi gue ceritain deh kalo belom pernah denger, mau kan ya mau kan?
Oke! Di semester 4 kemaren kalo ga salah  ada mata kuliah yang judulnya teknologi bahan
pertama tama masuk sih yang ada dipikiran gue ini mata kuliah mempelajari soal semen, pasir, batu, kayu (bahan bangunan)  teknologi yang dipake di gedung-gedung masa kini. *caelah
emang ternyata bener kaya gitu sih, dan harusnya mata kuliah nya asik.. tapi...
Gue dapet dosen yang gosipnya killer baik, ganteng, keren, kewl pokonya! *lap keringet*
Entah maunya apa ini dosen, cara ngajarnya beda sama dosen dosen biasanya.
Dari awal 1 kelas itu dibagi jadi kelompok-kelompok. 1 kelompok terdiri dari 3 orang, tugasnya adalah..
kita harus ngebahas tentang 1 high rise building/ skycraper, lalu semua teknologi yang ada di gedung itu dikupas tuntas setajam silet! *kamera zoom in zoom out*
fffuuuhh.. nantinya kita disuruh bikin banner yang berisikan tentang gedung yang kita bahas itu.
Dan setelah memilih dan memilah, mencari ke timur, ke barat, selatan, ke utara, kita dapet juga gedungnya! JENG JENG.... *terharu* *lap ingus*(padahal cuma nyari di internet)
Pilihan kita jatuh kepada, gedung cantik langsing diduga kebanyakan mengkonsumsi acai bery ini bernama..
*tepok tepok*

here we go
and the banner is..


thanks to Intan sama Firman!
karena gue bagian editing, jadi boleh ya gue post disini :D

Rencana Anggaran Biaya Rumah Tipe 45

Di semester 5 kemaren ada mata kuliah RAB ini, kata dosen yang charming itu tugas besarnya ngitung rumah tipe 45. Dan atas bujuk rayu anak kelas gue, 1 kelas itu tugasnya rumahnya sama! *joget joget*
Awal-awal dikasih tugas mingguan sih gue males-malesan banget, kerjain tugas tinggal nyontek yang udah aja. (dont try this at home ya adek-adek! :')
Tapi menjelang mid test, gue dapet hidayah..
gue ngerasa malu-maluin bokap gue sendiri, yang notabene seorang consultant.. *benerin papan nama prisma consult
dan beliau pernah menerbitkan buku
"Menghitung Biaya Membuat Rumah"

*promosi* *duit jajan naik, yes*

papah.. aku tidak akan mengecewakanmu, pah. maafkan anakmu yang selama ini khilaf.. *daun-daun berguguran

Akhirnyaa, gue kerjain tugasnya dari awal ampe akhir sendirian, ampe muntah angka. *untung ga hamil :(

 tapi kalo udah asik ngerjain bisa menimbulkan keringet dingin, bola mata nyaris keluar, idung kembang kempis, rematik mendadak seru loooh! ;)
Karena aku anak yang baik hati, aku mau share ya buat kalian yang  nanti dapet mata kuliah ini. Dijamin ga nyesel loh abis donlot, ada poto poto aku rincian bahan, upah, analisa, harga satuan, rab, sampe rekap, lengkap deh di dalemnya..

silakan di sedoot!


Senin, 07 Mei 2012



Kerjaan SKS (sistem kebut semalem) banget ini, gatau kenapa pengen bikin stand a*didas (ceritanya disensor)
terus dapet inspirasi dari simbol adidas sekarang yang kaya 3 garis itu. Gue masukin ke unsur-unsur stand nya.
aaaand voilaaa!

standar banget yaa -_____-
apalagi abis liat stand temen-temen, langsung ngedrop drop drop :""
tapi gapapaa akuu tetep sukaa >.<

p.s: idup gue ga sehitam putih stand ini kok, kalo kata jepi mah :')

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Tata Ruang Dalam

Interior lobby

Kemaren dapet tugas re-design kantor kecamatan. meskipun hasilnya ga ada pantes-pantesnya jadi kantor kecamatan. haha xD
And still newbie for rendering :))

check it out guyz!



adalah Kemampuan dalam mewujudkan ide atau gagasan dalam gambar dua atau tiga dimensi.

Ini salah satu mata kuliah di semester 4 yang gue suka!
Soalnya di semester-semester ini udah jarang banget mata kuliah yang pake teknik menggambar secara manual.
Jadi.. rindu untuk menggoreskan tinta di atas kertas pun 'sedikit' tersalurkan :') *tsaaah..
Meskipun gambar gue ga bagus-bagus amat .____.
Tapi bosen juga kan tangan cuma pegang-pegang mouse sama keyboard terus sampe kapalan, padahal kan pengennya pesawatan :''''

Meskipun ga semua tugasnya harus ngeggambar, ada beberapa tugas yang pake software juga kaya teknik manipulasi bangunan dll.
Gambarnya pun bukan sembarang gambar, jengjeng..
Tugas gambarnya pake teknik-teknik rendering loh guyz! *okelebay
 Misalnya teknik rendering titik, jadi kita ngegambar pake titik-titik.. iyalah masa pake koma-koma :|








Dan di akhir semester semua tugas disatuin dan di presentasiin. hasilnya bisa diliat di video iseng-iseng ini deh. cekidot! :p